Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 2 off HC3

current weight: 180

I have dropped 2 lbs since last week with diet and exercise.  My mom is coming in two days for a visit and after that I am starting round 3 of HC3, hopefully getting down to 155-160 this round :)

I have seen a few people I have not seen in a while and everyone can notice the weight loss i received from HC3.  I am full of energy and feel great.

Lately I have been eating a TON of subway (located right next to both my work places) I kid with the people inside and tell them Im on the subway diet without noticing :)  I get a turkey sub with lettuce and a little bit of the sweet onion dressing. just one slice of cheese.  Its delicious and not terrible in the cal count :)

I also am a HUGE fan of the baked lays chips and just drink plenty of water...

Going grocery shopping tonight for some healthy food... (my food is full of bottled water and pickles right now.. not really the best choices for eating healthy)  pluss my ragdoll cat would love some new food, were almost out.

Anyways just wanted to check in, im at work right now but I iwll put an updated pic up later (*ps im laying out with a friend later today and im actually excited to get in that swim suit!)

xoxo adison

Thursday, May 26, 2011


current weight:

WELLLL Lacey has come and gone :)  I did put some weight back on! eeeek.. but in my deffense the day b4 i went off hc3 i was at 178... I went up to 180 the 1st day off and only have put 2 lbs on this since... Which is expected.  My stomach went from super empty to a healthy full..
so for now i am trying to just maintain through diet and exercise :) the good ol fashion way... My mom is comming down to see me next week, and after she leaves im hoping to do another round of the HC3... but i need my body to take some time off to just maintain and build up some muscle and what not..

anyways its been 4EVER since i wrote last, so i figured i would check in and let you know where i am at weight wise.  I will let you know how the maintaining goes in the mean time

xoxo adison

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 17

current weight : 176

WTH! sooo i finally got below that darn 178!!  and 2 lbs below even :)  I ate the pretzel and still managed to lose!! tonight was my 1st night off hc3.. and i have to say im doing HORRIBLE!   I am saposes to go into the reset period :-/ but I ate... 2 oreos a few chips.. small fry annnnd thats about it, but still how did I manage to still lose when i ate crap tonight? its strange.

Lacey is in town the next few nights, but I will try to keep you posted of my weight gain in that process (which there will be, because i will be drinking alcohol and not eating nothing but salad...)

il keep you posted

xoxo adison

the cause!!

here is the cause of my failure yesterday! but damn.. look how happy i am! 

day 16 (something bad happened...)

current weight : 178

a whole apple day for nuttin!  The day started out so strong and promising.. all day i had nothing but apples.. then time for the concert came :-/ and (drum roll please.....) i ate a soft pretzel and cheese! i couldnt help it, i was so hungry and it was so delicious!

failure :( bright side of things.. i di not gain any  from yday but i was hoping to get our of this 178 area!! i think that i may have reached my peak on hc3 this round.. time for the gym to do some extra toning and weight loss taht way... and i will start the hc3 back up june 1st maybe?? maybe sooner... going to play it by ear.  sticking with it today tho.

lacey comes tomorrow and i cant wait!! for her to visit anddd to be able to drink  a few drinks and eat some tasty dinners!



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 15

current weight : 178

welp i seem to be right stuck at 178-179... Soooo another apple day for me today :(  I have had 4 so far and it only 6:30 pm... I would kill for some chips and chasso! yummm or movie theater popcorn or a brownie... or these delicious strawberry things i see everytime i open the pantry!  But instead, instead I eat apples :(

I may cheat tonight guys, not positive yet, I only have 2 days till my friend gets here and I plan to take a break from the HC3... butttt im highly tempted.  Im going to the Bruno Mars concert tonight and i know KNOW i will be tempted by both the food and beverages while at the venue :-/  I will try to stay strong for ya'll

Yesterday I was waayyy to tired to blog so the great bf johnny gave his view of my crazy insane (but it works) diet :)  Hope you all enjoyed reading what its like to really live with some like me... on 0 food. (not so pretty ;) jk...

yesterday i had the following tho

*1/2 grapefruit
*4 grasinni breadsticks
*8 shrimp
*1 cup cucumber
*1 small apple
*3.5 oz trout
*4 stalks asparagus

YUM... annnnd i did have a big bite of this cookie brownie thing i made for johnnys work :-/ ooops. but if you could have seen these things you would have cheated also!

ok time to take a pic of my ever shrinking tummy



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 13 (AM)

current weight: 178.5

Down another lb... :)  Feels great to be in the 170's I have to say, but still so far to go on this journey.  Yesterday went really well, I stuck to the meal plan and had few cravings.  I only drank 2 bottles of water the entire day tho... so today I am aiming for 6!  I did a few crunches last night to try and get my stomach muscles to start showing more, its just hard because you dont have all the energy to work out on hc3.  I plan to go back to the gym after 4-5 times a week with an hour cardio and 30 min weights... ugh I sure hated that schedule.. but, it works.

My friend comes in 4 days!! Not sure what I am going to do with the diet then... I may just take fri and sat off of the diet.. then resume on monday??  Not sure, any suggestions?  I been doing so great I would HATE to put any of the weight i have lost back on. makes me anxious even thinking of having to adventually go off the hc3.

Todays meal plan is as follows:

*1 small apple
*5 melba rounds
*3.5 oz chicken breast
*1 cup lettuce
*4 grissini breadsticks
*3.5 oz tilapia
*4 asparagus spears

Yum sounds like a lot of food when i just typed it out :) we will seeeeeeee.
Time to go work at palm beach tan tho!  I made a ton in commission yesterday, so i hope to do the same today.



Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 12 (AM)

current weight: 179.0

IM FINALLY IN THE 170'S again!!!!!  Yesterday was pretty easy but I did really bad around dinner time.
I consumed the following yday....

*half a grapefruit
*5 melba rounds
*1 cup salad greens
*3.5 oz grilled chicken
*1 cup cucumber
*1 med. apple  (ooops)

So here's where I went wrong... I got out of work and got stuck in traffic for an hour!! well this took up my grocery time. By the time I did my groceries and other errands It was time to get ready to go out with my friends.   Because my friend was waiting on me I skipped dinner and had an apple instead (woops)  Today I only went down 1 lb and i partially blame that I did not eat my 3.5 meat and 1 cup veggie like on the plan.. either way Im glad to be in the 170s.

Last night I went out with my girl friends (who drank) and I was not even a little tempted to have a drink (not sure where all this will power is coming from).  Im proud of myself for making it another day!

Today I have the morning to get house chores done then work 4-10 soooo It should not be too hard to stick to the diet today (no temptations... and temptations are what makes it difficult) I adivise all of you trying it to stay FAR FAR away from delicious food/drink while on HC3 haha..

Thanks for following



Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 11 (afternoon)

current weight: 180.5

WOWWW blogger has been down all day yesterday :(  Because of this I lost my yday entry!!!! I know, Im sure you are all crying with me :(  I also lost a whole blog I created for my art work. once again *tear*..

At any rate, if you all didn't notice my apple day worked!!!  I was stuck right at 183 for too long so I decided to do an apple day.  This means yesterday all I had all day was 3 apples!  I could have had up to 6, but didnt get my 1st one till 8pm and frankly I just was not hungry for any more.  This morning when my scale showed up 180.5 I was amazed it worked :)  Weird how this system works, like how did they know an apple day would do that??

So, Im starting to look a lot more trim .  I can suck my stomach in to having no pooch from the side, which was pretty amazing for me.  I took Ashley's advice and made you guys a before and after pic for today!!  Keep in mind this is only 10 days thus far.  My goal weight is 155, so I still have a ways to go... but so far so good.  I would like to be at 170 by next Saturday... But we will see, 10 lbs in a week is pretty hard :)

I also added a video journal to this site, through you tube.  Click the link to the right to follow my daily thoughts on the HC3 diet and also answer questions I receive on facebook and email.

Thanks again for all the support!! Il post this evening with my food intake for the day.

*click image to enlarge!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 10 (AM)

current weight : 182.5

RRRR still not down from yesterday! Not sure what is going on, I havent been drinking enough water is all I can think of!  Today I am researching doing an apple or steak day (to reset my metabolism)

The apple day starts at lunch today and will run through lunch tomorrow.  I am allowed only 6 apples the entire day :-/  I had to do this my 1st time around and it seemed to get my weight loss back on track.  Lets hope it does the same this time.

Im still 27.5 lbs away from my goal weight... im hoping to be down to 170 by then end of this round... and next month go from 170 to 155.  Time period Im shooting for is by  the end of July.  Although the beginning of july would be a great bday present! haha

Well Im off to the grocery store for these next 4 days groceries and a big bag of apples :) yummy
I work 5-11 tonight so that will keep me busy through the dinner hours.  I hope to be down to 180 by Sat AM.  *I like to only get grocerys 4 days at a time because the diet is so heavy in fish.. i prefer to get fewer days of groceries and avoid having to freeze and defrost meats (im just lazy like that)

thanks for all the support guys!  I now have a video blog link to the right, feel free to click it to be linked to my youtube page

*PS I put my bathing suit on today and was THRILLED by how i looked!!!!! im almost excited for bathing suit weather now :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 9 (PM)

current weight : 182.5

WELLLLL glad to see i have not gained any weight throughout the day, wish i was done... but thats what morning weigh in is for right!  Just ate my dinner of 3.5 oz cod and 1 cup asparagus (i ate like 1 and 3/4 cups tho)

The focusing was a ton better today... not sure what was going on the last few days with that, but maybe the vitamins/increase in water helped out the spacey feeling.  Today was a rather easy day hunger wise.  I think the two keys to loosing weight are 1)be prepared and 2)stay busy!!

I went to a hair apt with the bf this morning then right to work then to see friends at palm beach, so i rarely had a chance to think about food today, and in return felt little hunger.

*also since my diet has changed i have felt less depressed lately.. i find that im not so misrable with myself and what i have become, but rather proud of myself for the changes made.  Im still not even down to the weight I was last fall :-/ which kills me... but im sure i will be soon.  I just hate that all this hard work is just taking me back to where i was less than a year ago.. and i was fat then also.  Once i get down to the 160 range will i feel like i have had a great accomplishment.

anyways.. ashley left a comment on a previous post saying i should post the before pics next to the during pics so people can compare.. and i thought that was a great idea. it gave me an idea of my own actually... soooooo attached to this entry is a timeline of photos thus far on the hc3 diet!!

enjoy ;)


Day 9 (AM)

Current weight 182.5

Soooooo I couldnt get the video to up load last night :-/ Il try and attach it to this posting.
I WAS super excited today when I jumped on the scale and was down a lb from yesterday... I was beginning to get worried that my weight loss had come to a hult.  Although it has slowed immensely... I think I may do an apple or steak day tomorrow to re program my metabolism.

At any rate, time to get ready for work and have my 1 cup strawberrys for breakfast.  I am so proud of myself for not cheating even a tiny bit yet on this diet! Its hard work but man is it paying off!


ps, are you guys noticing a difference yet?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 8 (PM)

Current weight: 183.5

Hey guys!! Soooo today I decided to also as a video to my blog! woot woot, and I hope you all noticed the new design layout too :)

Today was a rather good day.  I found it very difficult to focus today at work.. not sure if that was diet related or not, but Im going to try taking vitamins in the morning to see if that helps any.

Hunger wise.. not too bad today :)

*1/2 grape fruit

*1/2 apple

*3.5 oz shrimp
*5 melba rounds and unsugar salsa

*4 celery sticks

*3.5 oz chicken
*2 cups salad greens


Anyways... my stomach seemed flatter today when I put my leggings on!  Not sure if its all in my head of if my body is really changing. I have spent so long trying and not getting any results its a shock and real strange when a diet is finally starting to work!


Day 8 (AM)

current weight: 184

IM SO MAD I CANT EXPRESS how frustrated I am.  I did perfect yesterday... and today my current weight is 184 :-/  I followed everything to the T, only thing I can think of is that I did not have enough water... Maybe later this morning the weight will drop??  I dont even know what to make of this.

In the book for HC3 it says when you start to platau to do an apple day... this is a day where you have 6 apples total and that is all you can eat for the entire day, it is sapose to reset your metabolism or something along those lines...

Also I did not take my drops till real late last night (11 50 or so)  Im unsure if this has anything to do with it.  Either way I am highly disappointed in myself.  Im literally in tears of disappointment right now.

Tonight I am hitting the gym hardcore to make up for my failure.  I better be down to 182 or lower tomorrow or I will feel a lil upset.  Never know, maybe its water weight or something?  I do know is, I ate good yesterday and that... i should be proud of.

time for my breakfast of 1/2 grapefruit and off to work.

Il let you know my weigh in later today. (photos below are from today... and i still think my stomach looks flatter than yesterday, i love watching my pouch slowly .. or i guess quickly go away. My stomach muscles are beginning to show again. finally the years of pilates and exercise are paying off



Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 7 (PM)

current weight : 184

... up 1/2 pound from the AM, but gaining weight at night is normal :)
Lets just hope that tomorrow I drop that 1/2 lb and then some!!

Today was not hard at all not over eating.  I wasnt tempted with social eating so it was no problem.

I had the following

*1 cup strawberrys

*5 melba rounds

*3.5 oz grilled garlic chicken
*2 cups lettuce

*3 celery stalks

*3.5 oz ground beef
*4 asparagus stalks

Not to shaby hugh! I need to work on not eating so late, its 10 47 PM and I just finished my dinner.  Going to do pilate's before bed to hep this weight loss thing along. Im rathe disapointed i went up the half lb today.  Going to pack my lunch for tomorrow now so I can sleep in a little...

I did notice that i was extremely sleepy today, the end of my work day was hard and I could not focus well.  keeping my train of thought was all i could do.

Time to finish this movie (dead tone) and get a good night rest

xoxo adison

You have Questions... I answer!

Sooo A ton of you have been asking me on facebook where you can get HC3 and why the 500 cals... and what exactly you have to do on this diet!  I am here for you. I have attached a link to this so you may click it and find out more info...

Highlights form this information site:

Why the 500 calorie diet? HCG can cause your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that it’s available for use.  While you are only consuming 500 calories, your hypothalamus is continually releasing the fat stored in your body.  Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day.  The result is your body using thousands of calories from fat from your body each day; the reason HCG dieters lose 1-2 pounds of fat or more, per day.

What is the hypothalamus gland?  The hypothalamus gland moderates the thyroid, adrenals, fat storage, and more importantly, your metabolic rate. People who are take the drug Phentenermine are actually "burning out" their adrenal glands, which in turn suppresses the thyroid gland. This drug excites your nervous system, causing you to have ample energy, increasing heart rate and respiration.Your adrenal glands conatin adrenalin. Phentenermine decreases your natural supply of adrenalin causing stress on your endocrine system.


*no sugars
*low carbs
*limited fruits
*lots of veggies...

I do the following for a sample day:

*breakfast - 1 cup of fruit (small apple, half a grapefruit....or 4 strawberrys)

*snack - usually 5 melba rounds, 4 grasinni breadsticks... a cup of fruit or veggie... anything from the list of foods on my meal plan around 50 cals

*lunch - 3.5 lean meat (fish, grilled chicken, ground lean beef, sirloin, lobster) 1 cup of veggie

*snack - melba rounds or veggie

*dinner - 3.5 oz meat, 1 cup veggie...

My drops came with a list of foods I could eat while on diet to maximize my results... I write my daily meal plans on this blog day by day if you want more specific instructions.

I also have been doing light exercise this time around... and I have noticed max results, but they do say to be careful exercising because your cal intake is so low.

Common questions:

What if I don't lose as much weight as I would like?  After the first 42 days of the Hc3 Trim Program you will begin a 21 day Metabolic Reset Period. At the completion of the Reset period, you can start another round of the Hc3 round.

 Will I regain this weight once I stop this program?  After the HCG diet, you will find your appetite has changed, you’re eating behavior will have changed and your body will of course, have changed. This is the perfect opportunity to adopt that healthy lifestyle to maintain your weight. You will find a minimum amount of exercise will be sufficient for maintaining a very healthy body- from yoga, to 15 minutes a day cardio a day, or whatever you enjoy, that you’re your heart moving. With your hypothalamus reset, your metabolism will be different and you will be able to eat moderately without feeling the need to overeat. Amongst the people who have tried this program, 75 to 90% have had hardly any or no difficulty keeping their new, ideal weight.

* The average weight loss per round of 23-40 days ranges from 17-30 pounds (depending on if you are a woman or man as men lose more weight than women do.)

What is HCG? 
HCG is a naturally occurring hormone in the body of pregnant women. Its purpose is to release stored nutrients for the fetus. Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (commonly referred to as HCG) is a naturally occurring hormone. The body produces HCG during pregnancy to metabolize fat as an energy source for the growth and nourishment of the baby.  When the HCG is taken and there is no fetus present to use these nutrients, the body still releases the stored substances, and the body then gets rid of them, detoxifying through the elimination system. This enables the body to release stored toxins and fat. You do not lose muscle mass, which is what occurs in other diets. HCG has been researched since the 1950's by Dr. Simeons and that research was published in 1970 in a book called Pounds and Inches. Additionally, the Homeopathic HCG plan for Speedy Weight Loss includes the research of Dr. D’Amato, Food for Your Type and Dr. Mercola’s No Grain Diet.    

I hope this helped you guys out! I LOVE HEARING FROM YOU ALL ABOUT YOUR own story ! so keep the feed back up and feel free to let me know your success and i can include it on my blog :)
I fully promote taking a daily photo so you can watch your body changing. it really motivates ya!

Day 7 (AM)

current weight: 183.5

Yesterday went extremely well.  I packed my lunch and snack for work and keeping busy kept my mind off eating for the most part .  My meal plan was the following for Yesterday :)

*small apple

*1 cup cucumber

*3.5 oz crab (yum)
*5 melba rounds

*1 small apple

*3.5 oz of trout
* I could have also had salad greens but to tell you the truth, I was sick of plain lettuce.

Today I was happy to see Im down another lb and a half!!  Now is the point in this diet where I start to get worried that I will stop loosing.  I say  a little prayer to god before I step on the scale and hold my breath.  Its  a sad feeling knowing that the loosing does adventually come to an end.

10 days till my friend Lacey is here!  Going off the diet for the 5 days she is here... (for the most part) and going back on when she leaves.  Terrible timing really... but I will trade a few day not loosing / gaining for her :)

Well time to get ready for work... lets hope today is a not hungry day *crosses fingers*



Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 6 (AM)

current weight: 185.5

YESSSSS/ down MORE!  Jumped on the scale this morning and weigh 185.5... Almost brought tears to my eyes I was so thrilled!!

Last night was a rough night... I was on the tip of a break down and a long day at work sent me soaring over the edge.  Luckily I have the best boyfriend in the world who can fix just about any situation :)
As for hunger last night... Not terriable.. better then the day before, but still present.  I had an extra 2 strawberrys and 3 melba rounds, but other than that I stuck to the 500 cals to the T :)

Below is my consumption of food yday

*1 small apple

*5 sesame melba rounds

*3.5 oz grilled chicken breast
*romaine lettuce, spinach leaves

*4 grissini bread sticks

*3.5 oz of Tilapia (which my coworkers were less than impressed of the fish smell that came along with this)
*5 asparagus spears

*3 very small strawberrys

so thats it fokes!!  If you arnt a believer yet I hope my photos will continue to encourage you to try this if your having trouble loosing the extra lbs.
Attached are this mornings photos.
Time for 1/5 grapefruit then off to church!



Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 5 (AM)

Current Weight: 188

Wellll Last night I jumped on the scale after work and was SUPER excited to go from 192 in the AM to 188.5 in the PM :)  Yesterday was a success for sure.  Im not going to lie, the hunger was worse yesterday than the day before but waking up this morning and realizing the hunger has subsided... gives me great comfort. cravings, they will pass :)
Break down of yesterdays foods

*1/2 grape fruit

*1/2 apple

*3.5 oz shrimp
*5 melba rounds

*1/2 cup cucumber

*3.5 oz sirloin (yummmm)
* lettuce with a few baby spinach thrown in

Good day right! total cals 500 eactly

Soooo all was going GREAT till I went with a co-worker after work to applebees! (i know , i know, what was i thinking right!)
But I actually did real well, She ordered buffalo boneless wings and aside from a dime sized nibble I controlled myself.  I held that piece of mild buffalo wing in my mouth as long as I could to enjoy the flavor haha.
A friend ordered chips and salsa (what i was craving yesterday.. annnnd an all time favorite)
I did have little nibbles (tiny broken chips) prob had a total of 2 full chips when i add it up (but really how bad can 2 tortilla chips be??)

It was beginning to get unbearable to be around all this delicious food and drink and not be eating, soooo a wonderful idea popped to my head.

why not right?! celery is super low in cals (14 cals for 1 cup to be exact) and with some salt (not limited on my diet) it wasnt too bad.  I ended up eating about 10 6 inch sticks.. haha but it kept me away from the temptation.

Anyways today is the fresh start of DAY 5!! woot woot
I am extremely hopful for my day.  I have work 4-10 so that will occupy my mind for the evening.  I just have to keep myself busy this morning and the mind OFF snacking :)

well time to go eat mmy "small apple"



Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 4 (AM)

Current weight: 192

Well its the morning of day 2 on the 500 cal intake.  I jumped on the scale first thing this morning and was delighted to be 192. 2 lbs down from yday morning!  Time to shower and get ready for work.  I made up my lunch/breakfast last night for today so I would have no hassle this morning.  My trainer Nemo told me the best advice EVEr to loosing weight. he said "its all about being prepared" and he is 100 right.  Most the time when I start to put  on the lbs is when i get too busy.  If I take the time in the evening to pack gym cloths and the right things to eat... I do really well on a diet. so THANK YOU Nemo...

Well just thought id share my little exciting news for the morning. Il check in this evening to let you know how the 500 cals went.

Im going to eat my 1/2 grapefruit annnnd cup of black coffee (yum yum) you all are jealous i know ;)



Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 3 (PM)

Well guys ... I DID IT! I made it through the 1st day of my restricted diet.
wasnt even THAT hard, dont get my wrong... i reallly wanted that strawberry rollup thing in the pantry, but all and all it wasnt too hard.

Today I had the following

*1.5 cup strawberrys
*4 grissini breadsticks

*3.5 oz ground lean beef
*1.5 cup salad greens
*1/3 cup cucumber

*1/2 apple

*3.5 oz chicken breast (grilled)
*1 cup lettuce.

Soooo all and all it wasnt too shabby.
I did not feel tired at all today at work, but I did feel a head ache most of the day.  I only consumed 2 bottles of water (oops) and i should be drinking 6, so i got to work on that more.  Other than that i think i did rather good especially because its cinco de myo! annnnd i did not have a drink or eat anything bad.! haha the hardest part of all this will be missing out on the social aspect of eating. but im sure i can work something out to make it not as bad.


Day 3 (1st day of 500 cal)

Current Weight: 194

Well I made it through my 1st 2 loading days!  Each meal I felt I was going to throw up at any moment, deff not a great feeling.
My consumption yesterday was the following:

*Jackin the box bacon egg cheese and ham melt w/hashbrowns and fanta
*3 slices of left over pizza (little ceasars)
*butter pecan milkshake from steak and shake
*single cheese burger with bacon lettuce and ketchup
*french fries
*cup of veggie soup
*a few bites of shells and cheese (at this point i was clearly filled to the brim)

You think eating bad for 2 days would be great, but to tell you the truth it made me rather depressed.  Eating in general usually feels great at first then as my hunger fades away and full fills my stomach I instantly feel guilty for what i had just done.  diet or no diet i have felt this way.

Im up early and ready to shower and start my day.  Going grocery shopping now for my 500 cal restricted diet. shrimp, lean ground beef, crab, salmon.. and LOTS and LOTS of lettuce, here I come!!

All I can say is, LETS DO THIS BITCH!

*Above is my daily photo!! ewww this one makes me cringe

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 2 (morning)

day two
current weight:192.5

Well I jumped on the scale today and somehow (god sure works in mysterious ways) I weighted 192.5 lbs. After eating everything in site yesterday
*Mc Donalds Bacon egg and cheese bagel, hashbrown and chocolate milk
*5 slices of Little Ceasars Pizza
*Carmel Popcorn
*3 Mint Oreos
*Delicious Cake (Thanks Hannah and Andrew!)
*Taco Cabanna 2 taco's chips and quesso and a dr. pepper (which I was o full at this point I only could consume half the taco, and 3 chips

Today Is day 2 of the "loading" period...
I got Jack In The Box for breakfast (1st time ever getting breakfast there)
... It honestly made me want to throw up :(  I got some breakfast melt thing and hashbrowns with Fanta (strawberry) to drink.

Overall I just feel depressed today, I am so motivated at this point to lose weight it is a terriable feeling having to stuff my face 24/7.

Il fill you in in the PM about how the rest of my day has gone and a daily photo
Love You All - Adison

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HC3 Round 1 Results

Starting weight April 7th- 202 lbs
Ending weight April 26th- 183 lbs

Photos are after (above) and before (below)  HC3 round 1.

My ugly truth... Are you ready?

Starting in 4th grade I have been conscious of my weight. It honestly runs my life. It has ruined many of my relationships, and has literally left me hating myself and helpless. I have tried every diet in the book including more frowned up on methods such binge eating, starving, and throwing up. ALL these diets have left me further from my goal and broken down more than the last. I am unable to have good healthy relationships with people and food because of my "disorder" . I go in rotations of eating healthy and exercising, to not eating at all, to eating everything in site and over again. My motivation and hope has been stripped from me with each failure. In April of 2011 I stepped on a scale and weighed a total of 202 lbs (5'9'') I had the biggest breakdown of my life that day. I fantasized about dying and the struggle to finally end. I reached a fork in my road. I always told myself the day I top 200 lbs I would end it all. I had too much to lose so I started the HC3 diet. With this diet you take droplets under your tongue morning and night. The first 2 days you "load" eat everything you can in site (No problem with this step) After these 2 days you then go on a restricted 500 cal diet that is high in green vegetables and protein. NO sugars, fats, and low carbs. The drops allow you to loose 4,000 calories a day. If you follow the diet to the T you lose 1-2 lbs a day. I did my 1st round of HC3 for 19 days and lost a total of 19 lbs weighing my last day at 183. My stomach was much flatter and I wish I would have done measurements to see how many inch's I had lost total. (This round I plan to do this) It has been 3 weeks that I have taken off of HC3 and I am up to 193 lbs ( 10 lbs back!) This is because of my binge eating I have been doing lately. I have been eating anything in front of me and not having one bit of self control. When I woke up this morning and saw I gained yet another lb since yesterday I knew it was time to start my phase 2 of HC3. So I would like to invite you, all of you to take part in my journey of the scary truth in a dieters life. I will be honest in my twice daily posting of my feats and triumph. I found that I must face the ugly truth of what I have become before I can start to get better. Thank you for the support.