Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 7 (AM)

current weight: 183.5

Yesterday went extremely well.  I packed my lunch and snack for work and keeping busy kept my mind off eating for the most part .  My meal plan was the following for Yesterday :)

*small apple

*1 cup cucumber

*3.5 oz crab (yum)
*5 melba rounds

*1 small apple

*3.5 oz of trout
* I could have also had salad greens but to tell you the truth, I was sick of plain lettuce.

Today I was happy to see Im down another lb and a half!!  Now is the point in this diet where I start to get worried that I will stop loosing.  I say  a little prayer to god before I step on the scale and hold my breath.  Its  a sad feeling knowing that the loosing does adventually come to an end.

10 days till my friend Lacey is here!  Going off the diet for the 5 days she is here... (for the most part) and going back on when she leaves.  Terrible timing really... but I will trade a few day not loosing / gaining for her :)

Well time to get ready for work... lets hope today is a not hungry day *crosses fingers*




  1. thank you! nows when it starts getting tough, so i just have to stay focused :)
