Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 8 (AM)

current weight: 184

IM SO MAD I CANT EXPRESS how frustrated I am.  I did perfect yesterday... and today my current weight is 184 :-/  I followed everything to the T, only thing I can think of is that I did not have enough water... Maybe later this morning the weight will drop??  I dont even know what to make of this.

In the book for HC3 it says when you start to platau to do an apple day... this is a day where you have 6 apples total and that is all you can eat for the entire day, it is sapose to reset your metabolism or something along those lines...

Also I did not take my drops till real late last night (11 50 or so)  Im unsure if this has anything to do with it.  Either way I am highly disappointed in myself.  Im literally in tears of disappointment right now.

Tonight I am hitting the gym hardcore to make up for my failure.  I better be down to 182 or lower tomorrow or I will feel a lil upset.  Never know, maybe its water weight or something?  I do know is, I ate good yesterday and that... i should be proud of.

time for my breakfast of 1/2 grapefruit and off to work.

Il let you know my weigh in later today. (photos below are from today... and i still think my stomach looks flatter than yesterday, i love watching my pouch slowly .. or i guess quickly go away. My stomach muscles are beginning to show again. finally the years of pilates and exercise are paying off




  1. Addy, I got the liquid HCG drops today and in my book that came with it it says NOT to exercise at all while in Phase2. You will screw up the metabolism of the fat.

  2. yes, the first time around i did not exercise... and did well.. this time im doing lite exercise.. which is actually aloud during the diet.. you just have to watch ketone levels closely :)
